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A must read!!

Sea Of Glass Book      Potters Hands Book

See You On the Sea of Glass* is a story of how God can save to the uttermost. Olaf Betat shares his life journey of miracles, saving lessons, and how to live with the moment by moment victory God wants for your life.

In the Potter's Hands, written by Jayne Betat, is a tragedy to triumph true story. You will weep and rejoice and in the end, give glory to God for He is good!

If you wish to purchase See You On the Sea Of Glass or In the Potter's Hands, each is priced at $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping, or both for $35.00 plus $6.00 shipping. Shipping applies to shipping in the U.S.A. Proceeds from these books go to support this ministry. Thank you for your faithful support!

*Also available in Kindle format.


God's Healing Way Ministries
42 Larch Lane
Oldtown, ID 83822

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Contact Us

Olaf and Jayne Betat
42 Larch Ln
Oldtown, ID 83822
P: 209.628.1696
E: GodsHealingWayMinistries@gmail.com
Sea Of Glass Book

The Farm

The organic farm we are developing will grow fruits and vegetables pesticide free. No harmful sprays will be used on the plants or soil.

The food grown will provide healthy, nutrient dense produce for our health guests that attend our Lifestyle-to-Health Center. Surplus produce will be available to the local community.

Lifestyle-to-Health Center

Whether it's a three day body cleanse, a ten day total reset, or a customized plan, we will have programs to match your individual needs. We are a balanced whole body health center that focuses on mental, spiritual, and physical healing.

Our Lifestyle-to-Health Center uses nutrient dense plant foods and water therapy to support your body's immunity. We do not diagnose disease, prescribe medicine, or are licensed healthcare providers. We educate how the body works, what is disease and its causes, and support guests who want to make life changes by incorporating the ten laws of health.

Advent Renaissance Publishing Company

To support our guests in their new start on life, our publishing company provides books, materials, and resources.

Resources are available also online. Until our website is finished and can handle orders over this website, please email us your requests at GodsHealingWayMinistries@gmail.com and we will respond to you within 24 hours.